Saturday, October 18, 2008

Burn Baby Burn

It's that time of the month again! "I'm so excited...I just can't hide it...I'm about to lose control and I just can't hide it"...

"WHY on earth" you ask??

Because I just got my "Natural Home" magazine in the mail!! Gotcha!
I love this magazine...even though I feel I could write a book on 'going green', this magazine is always full of cool articles.

Here's one I just read and something I always tell my customers; be careful of the candles you burn. Here's what I have found out in my many months of research:

The paraffin candles we burn contain petroleum and according to the State of California’s Proposition 65 “there are at least seven toxins in paraffin candle waxes, including benzene, a carcinogen [carsinogens are known to cause cancer].” Paraffin candles are as dangerous to the lungs as second-hand smoke and even more so if you are in the habit of burning many at the same time.

My Gosh...and here I thought I was all healthy and all because I don't smoke

Here's some tips on "Healthy Candles"

  • Consider Soy or Beeswax candles instead.

  • Make sure the scented candles use pure essential oils.

  • Check the wicks. Some have been found to contain lead and other metals. Look for wicks made of pure cotton.

  • Get rid of candles that create that black "soot"; that builds up in the air you breathe.

  • SNUFF, Don't Blow; creates less smoke

  • Wax attracts dust; keep yours clean.

So the moral of the story is...go ahead...BURN those candles while you are having that midnight swim in your pool, soak in your tub, have a romantic dinner with that special someone and entertain guests [and if you have time to do all that...kudos to YOU]...just make sure they're "GREEN".

Warm Regards,


Anonymous said...

Hi Mylene,

Thanks for mentioning Natural Home! It's so great that the green message is spreading to the masses. Glad you liked the candle care article. It will be on the web soon---you should post a link when it's live!

Kim Wallace
Assistant Editor
Natural Home magazine

caligirl said...

Hi Mylene,
As fellow "light greener" I agree with you about the candles, too! I have 3 children that are 89.9% organic;0) I've been looking forward to your meet-ups at your store but haven't been yet:( I sell Mia Bella Gourmet Natural Wax Candles! They are clean burning (no soot), cotton wicks, earth & home friendly! Wickless available, too. They offer over 100 different scents including unscented. The scents are the only thing that are not natural. But they do smell delicious! If you want me to bring one to a meet-up, I'd be happy to.
People still need to be aware that most "essential oil" candles are petroleum based!!!
If you want to know more, visit my site @
Hope all is well in the store front!
I can't wait to see it & meet you!
Shelly (Bella)